Monday, April 11, 2005

Is it as funny as it looks?. David , where is the audio? Posted by Hello

For the ladies only

Ever met a few grumpy old german men? by the name of Modra?

After seeing that great recent film on Luther recently , I picked up a piece of fiction( unusual for me )and read it right through ( v unusual)
"Kitty my rib" was what Luther called his wife

But don't be fooled into thinking their romance was all roses. For those struggling with workacholic, uncommunicative and grumpy old men ? here's a little offering to hopefully keep you going- for a little while at least !

.(Author E Jane Mall Concordia publishers)

The book is out

yes excellent work team More yet to come bookmark this site ! For those who would like to send in their news/questions send an email to asking to be registered. Our website ( keep identity a little hidden as its a public site is)