I am not worried about SHARKS!!!

The young sailors asked about sharks as we saw the stringrays hover as they do underneath the boat . No worries i said . We ploughed the harbour and thought about heading out to sea like Matt,Casmir and 4 of us did a few days before . I the showoff was keen to show how just i could surf my little boat in on the waves - after all last time an attractive young englishwoman tourist rushed to get my photograph after we did it days before . She was previuosly absorbed with ( presumably some other bloke )on a hanglider landing in the same area . I am a popular and courageous sailor . You want photos to prove we did this . Adsk mark he and ellen hav ethe definitive Sailing the high seas adventure on Video > I captaon have No time for records - too busy fighting the dangerous waves- on the wave in .....wooosh what fun as the boat roars forward and fills upwith surf at the same time and on the way out - up she rises!!!!!will we make it YES
That was 2 days ago. Back to today. We saw the stingray and the seals and my ignorance of the danger from SHARKS seemed to be enough to calm them . It was only after we got back to Colac we saw them in the paper 8 foot of mako SHARK -only one of many caught those few days !!
Beat that you thistle islanders beat that !
when it comes to risk then you see us M's , We're tough and courageous ..and ,, justa little unaware sometimes